Friday, December 14, 2012


The kids met Santa the other day.  I was't sure how it would go with Julia being at that age.  You know the age,when everyone is scary and she looks at them with an intense scowl upon her sweet round face.  Well, it went better then expected.  She didn't cry at all.  Just stared at him intensely.  I asked Micah what did Santa say to him.  Our conversation went as follows.

ME: What did he say?
Micah: What do I want for Christmas.
ME: So?
Micah: I told him. I really need a space station, to do my space stuff. Next year I want my name to be Phineas. It will make me bigger, so you can call me that. ok? I'm Phineas next year. You got it?
ME: Got it! space station and a name change.
Micah: Yeah only next though ok?  Then i'm gonna be Micah again.

I don't know how he comes up with this stuff. I was cracking up though.  Did you take your kids to see  Santa?  How did it go? 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

farmers' market!

We love Sunday morning trips to the farmers' market.
Our market of choice is in Baltimore.Micah LOVES going to the city, he's just like his mom.  So to the city we went this morning.  We brought a few friends and spent the morning eating.  Yummm!  We had fresh made doughnuts, with the toppings of our choice.
How delicious do those look?!  We look forward to them every time we come.  We also had a awesome chicken sandwich but it didn't make to the photo-op.  It had a date with my stomach instead.    We saw lots of interesting food.  Colored Cauliflower?  That was a first for me.
We made it home with some lettuce, cucumbers and fresh curry hummus.  If it wasn't for the rain, i'm sure we would have left with more food.  Not all the venders were there today with the cold dreary weather.  We have two more weeks till the market is closed, hopefully we can get our doughnut and hummus fill before the season is over.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

The perfect gift

It's so hard to give the perfect gift.
We are invited to a birthday party this weekend.  I have no idea what to get this little guy.  He is turning Two!  His mom has a in-home daycare, so toys are plenty in this house.  I thought about making a craft box.  Picking up a simple plastic box, putting his name on it, and filling it up.  Crayons, markers, glitter, paper.  I just couldn't decide if he would really enjoy it being so young.  So then I had an idea.  I always wanted to have family movie night.  I know he's only two but I think candy is okay once in a while.  I put together a bag with the DVD Horton hears a who!, swedish fish, reese's pieces, chocolate raisins and gummy worms .  Then I grabbed a popcorn cup in target for $1 and put it all together in a gift bag.  There's something for everyone to snack on and the littlest one has a movie he can enjoy.  I'l include a few photos once I get it all together.


Does anyone else have a kid that truely enjoys clothes?
Micah just had to wear a vest to the party, he took off the bow tie as we were leaving our house and informed me he wouldn't be needing it.  He would be playing too much and it would get in the way. HA! HA!

My fashionista baby.  I think she has every animal in the woods on. ;)

The photos never happened.  Why?  As we were heading out the the, we had a visitor.
A MOUSE!  It was on the back porch, but we also have two dogs.  The mouse lingered all day, between hiding on the porch or under a toy in the yard.   The dogs never found it and I guess it left.  The fight this mouse put up though.  It was cold out and I was sweating from chasing it!  It just would not leave the porch.

 The kids had fun at the party and were exhausted.  We stopped for groceries on the way home and they couldn't stay awake.  I say that's the sign of a great party.